Tribal Inventory Part 1

By Jason Barnaby | | 12.30.17

We all belong to several Tribes–work, family, friends, sports, fitness, school, church, growing up group–the list is endless. We know who we surround ourselves with is paramount if we want to be the best version of ourselves as possible. To that end, it is good to take stock of our tribe.

There are 3 stages to this process I call the Tribal Inventory. The First stage is Admire.

Who are the core members of your Tribe? Who are the ones you would call at 3 am, the ones who have significantly impacted you? Drew Dudley talks about the opportunities for everyday leadership and for acknowledging/admiring those impact makers. The question is, do they know they hold this position? I hope that after watching this short talk you will be prompted to admire someone in your Tribe in a real and tangible way–send a text, make a call, break some bread, share a beverage…

Tribe, what will you DO?